Historical location:

Pantheon, via del Piè di Marmo, 36, 00186, Roma

New location:

Piazza Navona, via della Posta Vecchia, 4, 00186, Roma


If you wish to reserve a table or have questions about Sapore di Mare, a fish restaurant in the heart of Rome, there are several ways to contact us. One option is to call us directly. Our phone number is available on our website or on various online listings. We are happy to accept phone reservations, answer all your questions, or assist you in any way possible. Alternatively, you can send us an email. We regularly check our email inbox, so you can expect a prompt response. Our email address is also listed on our website, along with our phone number and other important information. For those who prefer using social media, we are active on various platforms. You can follow us on Instagram or Facebook to receive updates, photos, and news about our restaurant. Additionally, you can send us a direct message on these platforms, and we will respond as soon as possible. If you are nearby, feel free to visit us in person. Our friendly staff is always available to answer your questions and offer assistance in any way possible. We are conveniently located in the center of Rome, so you can easily find us and enjoy a delicious meal at our restaurant. Regardless of the method you prefer to contact us, we look forward to hearing from you and offering you an exceptional culinary experience at Sapore di Mare.
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